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Dancing w/ Fears & Wildest Dreams:
A Performance Incubator

Class starting 10/28, every Friday from 6 to 8 PM at Olympia Lamplighters, 211 4th Avenue E
scholarships available


How do we build community that has the flexibility, curiosity and resilience to meet the changes that are happening (human-caused global warming and all of its myriad consequences) and incubate changes for the caring, just and Indigenous-led society we desire to manifest? 


How can we use our performance tools – scriptwriting, speculative fiction, poetry, meditative/contemplative practice, music, sound improvisation, acting, movement, and ritual, to hold Space for each other, our experiences and intersections, and the Beings we share our world with? Can we use both our biggest fears and our wildest dreams to create performance that both helps bring about the Death of colonialism and white supremacy, and the growth of something richer, freer and more just? As our grief informs our imaginings, can we collaborate to create this using the sacred play that is performance?


This course will be an incubator: bring the tools you have to the group, and work to create vital performance together. This group values all skill levels, body abilities, life experiences and disciplines, providing you are willing and able to adhere to group safe-space agreements, and check your privilege at the door. The most important thing we will create together is our Space, where bodies, with all their experiences, intersections and feels are valued and safe to express. Through improvisation, movement, writing, meditation and deep listening exercises, we will get to know each other and our collective skillset, with the intent of crafting performances together. Come with ideas, and be ready to let them grow into something you had not imagined.  Participants should come prepared to lead and follow, share, work, be supported, and be willing to support each other’s ideas with their particular skill set. 


Course Outline:


This is a three-month workshop that will meet once weekly for two hours. The first month will consist of Space-cultivating exercises and getting to know our collective creative tool-kit. Be prepared to have work assignments to complete outside of our allotted weekly time together. Our second month, we will bring in ideas and try out performance scenarios together, cooking the work we wish to perform together. As we enter the third month, we may need to work up additional times to meet, in preparation for presenting our work to the larger community, whatever form that will take.

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